Recent content by AshishK

  1. AshishK

    Question Stuttering in games

    Stuttering in games is a phenomenon where the game's performance becomes irregular or choppy, causing the visuals or audio to pause, skip or repeat momentarily. This can result in an unpleasant and disruptive gaming experience. There can be several causes for stuttering in games, including...
  2. AshishK

    Question What features make a game an RPG? And is Elden Ring, or other FromSoft games, an RPG?

    RPG stands for Role-Playing Game, a genre of video games where the player takes on the role of a character in a fictional world and makes decisions that impact the story and character's development. Some of the key features that make a game an RPG include: Character development: RPGs typically...
  3. AshishK

    Question What kind of quests/missions drive you batty?

    Here, I can provide some examples of quests or missions that are commonly criticized by players: Fetch quests: These are quests where the player is simply asked to retrieve an item or multiple items for a non-playable character (NPC) without any substantial story or gameplay element. Escort...