Recent content by 1BRAVO9

  1. 1BRAVO9

    Storing Gaming Activity In The Cloud

    The reasons you stated are some of the same reason why I am leaning toward OneDrive.
  2. 1BRAVO9

    Storing Gaming Activity In The Cloud

    I'm think of buying some cloud storage for general use, but also to store gaming activity like videos and screenshots. I love saving videos and I even post a few now and then to various media outlets. Previously, I had always used external hard drives but the last several years I have had some...
  3. 1BRAVO9

    What are you playing this weekend? December 2023

    How are you liking Forza Motorsport?
  4. 1BRAVO9

    Monitor vs Television, Help Me Decide

    What do you think about the difference in FPS? On my monitor I'm getting 100+ with the RTX 4090 On the TV I'm limited to 60. I would hate to have that 4090 and what it cost :rolleyes: and not take full advantage of it.
  5. 1BRAVO9

    Monitor vs Television, Help Me Decide

    Don't think I wasn't valuing your input because I do, very much so. I just wanted to make sure you know that the viewing distance being a little more than usual was a consideration.
  6. 1BRAVO9

    Monitor vs Television, Help Me Decide

    Thanks for responding, and I value your advice but distance is one of my points. Because of the distance from the monitor and the edge of the desk, along with the added distance that the HOTAS mounts add I'm further back than you would be ideally for a monitor. Especially compared to other...
  7. 1BRAVO9

    Monitor vs Television, Help Me Decide

    Thanks, I appreciate the response.
  8. 1BRAVO9

    Monitor vs Television, Help Me Decide

    For about the last 10 years I have been gaming on a PC exclusively. Prior to that it was about 70 -30 ratio console to PC. The reason for the majority console play is that I played mostly BF and some racing games. Then I found MMOs like WoTs and War Thunder and completely abandoned the...
  9. 1BRAVO9

    I'm In The Market For A Different FPS, Any Suggestions?

    Yeah since both were on sale I got both and will give them a try over the long holiday weekend.
  10. 1BRAVO9

    I'm In The Market For A Different FPS, Any Suggestions?

    I mentioned Insurgency: Sandstorm in my OP and thanks for providing some perspective on it. Steam is having one of their big annual sales tomorrow and if Insurgency is on sale I will get it. I will probably also get Squad as well.
  11. 1BRAVO9

    I'm In The Market For A Different FPS, Any Suggestions?

    I play a little co-op, I have Arma 3 on my PC and occasionally I play it, but yes I do prefer PVP.
  12. 1BRAVO9

    I'm In The Market For A Different FPS, Any Suggestions?

    Thanks everyone for the responses, I appreciate the input. Yes you are right, I should have qualified. I am looking for PvP. I do play others beside FPS Right now I am playing: War Thunder World of Tanks (very little but used to be my go to game) DCS Forza Motorsport Forza Horizon 5 Even...
  13. 1BRAVO9

    Question What is the oldest piece of software that you regularly use?

    It would be a game. Empire Earth, released in 2001.
  14. 1BRAVO9

    I'm In The Market For A Different FPS, Any Suggestions?

    I'm looking for a different FPS than BF, but let me explain. Years ago my brother and his friends were all playing COD on console and I was playing games on such as racing and flight games. I bought a console and tried COD and it just wasn't for me. It seemed like you did nothing but run...