Recent content by Krud

  1. Krud

    What is the best RPG game of all time ?

    Don't get me wrong, I love modding (see my other post elsewhere about this, assuming it wasn't deleted for being spammy), but for me tweaking, fiddling, patching, overhauling, streamlining, and all that other meta-gamey stuff is a separate (but sometimes equal) activity that's irrespective of...
  2. Krud

    What is the best RPG game of all time ?

    The best RPG of all time? Well, I'm not sure how objective one could be about this, so I'm going to start by just listing my personal favorite RPG's and work my way down from there. (Feel free to skip down to the row of asterisks if you'd rather not have to sit through my process.) In no...
  3. Krud

    Question Skyrim Anniversary Edition (AE) Mod Lists and Order

    I know there was some talk on here a while back about creating a mod-specific category on the PC Gamer forums, but since that doesn't yet exist, and we've had Skyrim Anniversary Edition for about a year now, I felt it was a fair time to ask this, which is: Has anyone found a good, reliable list...
  4. Krud

    Weekend Question: How much time do you spend on MMO character fashion?

    Honestly, this was the only MMO where I really cared what my outfit looked like! =D
  5. Krud

    Weekend Question: What's the best (or worst) videogame collector's edition you've ever bought?

    Probably the best one I ever bought was the Warcraft III Collector's Edition, as it came with a TON of cool physical stuff (though nothing like a helmet or canvas bag, just art books and a guide and posters and cinematic DVD's and whatnot, I don't remember the specifics, as it's been a while)...
  6. Krud

    Weekend Question: What's your favorite PC you've ever owned?

    I've always been fond of my various builds over the years, but my Windows 7 PC from 2011 was my favorite, mostly because I managed to squeeze every last bit of performance out of it for several years. I rarely ever had problems with it, and I was able to expand its memory and video card...
  7. Krud

    Question What are your feelings about timed quests in a game?

    I didn't mind the Fallout 1 timer, it was always on the forefront of my mind but wasn't impossible to deal with either. What got ME in that game [spoiler warning] was when you had an option to postpone it by talking to a group who, IIRC, end up raiding the vault and killing them anyway. Or...
  8. Krud

    Question Weekend Question: Would you play an FPS with a controller if aim assist helped you win more?

    I rarely play FPS's, and never competitively/to-win, so that wouldn't be the deciding factor for me. That being said, I have often opted to use a controller for various first (and third) person "shooters", including GTA V, RDR2, the Mass Effects, and even Skyrim. Though not because it helps me...
  9. Krud

    Pick a gaming genre and then tell about a relatively recent mechanic or convention that has improved the genre.

    That's a good one, though I want to say there was crafting in early 00's RPGs, like Neverwinter Nights and Arcanum? It wasn't the norm, admittedly. I think Fallout 3 also had crafting circa 2008. So I guess it depends on how one defines "recent."
  10. Krud

    Pick a gaming genre and then tell about a relatively recent mechanic or convention that has improved the genre.

    Relatively recent? That's a toughie... none of the more recent games even jump out at me as "improvements" to the genre, let alone any new game mechanics/conventions. I suspect that might be why there aren't a lot of answers posted about this. [ponders] Yeah, everything I can think of are...
  11. Krud

    PCG Article Actually, 3 recent PCG articles about CD Projekt's future plans

    Disclaimer upfront: I haven't been keeping close tabs on all the CDPR updates, so this is just based solely on the above-posted article blurbs. Having said that, this feels less like they're trying to make it up to the fans/players, and more like they're trying to make it up to the investors, as...
  12. Krud

    Weekend Question: Do you check how long games take to finish before you play them?

    Most of the time I don't, as the number given usually doesn't match my own play speed. (I tend to explore a game to the point where I'm practically a freelance beta tester after the fact.) If a review or article mentions it, I might bear it in mind, but otherwise it doesn't matter to me. There...
  13. Krud

    How soon before a game release do you enjoy a reveal?

    Depends on the depth of the reveal and how much work they've done on it already. If it's still in the concept/planning stages? Don't even tell us, because not only might it never come to pass, but its form may change drastically between the initial pitch/presentation and the release product. If...
  14. Krud

    What's the definition of retro gaming?

    I would agree with all of those except the Fallouts and Diablo. Though I would say those all had a slightly "retro"-ish feel to them even when they debuted. Blizzard and Interplay leaned into the top-down orthogonal style at a time when other studios were dabbling more with 3D and first-person.