Recent content by JarlBSoD

  1. JarlBSoD

    Best adventure game to play online

    And it's honestly realy realy good as a "singel player" experience. I hardly ever play with anyone exept doing some 2 man dungeons with my GF from time to time and there is soooo much content and the storry is usually realy well written.
  2. JarlBSoD

    Question Need a new mouse. Need it big and heavy.

    I have used the Logitech G502 for roughly 10 years in different varriants. A s Colif said, many consider it to be heavy and if you want it even eavyer you can just add the included weights.
  3. JarlBSoD

    Have we stopped caring about really owning our games?

    I care, that is why i buy all my games on GOG first if they are avaliable there and Steam second if i can't find what i want on GoG. Then i download the install files from GoG and put on my NAS so even if internet die i have access to my GoG library.
  4. JarlBSoD

    Buying Epos or Sennheiser headphones is like putting grandma in charge of your sound settings.

    In general i would say Headsets are not optimal for music as they are most often tuned for different kinds of usecases, for a gaming headset it is more important to have a focus on, say, hearing footsteps and spatial awareness than it is when listening to music. I have both a Sennheiser gsp550...
  5. JarlBSoD

    What past game deserves a sequel that hasnt had one yet? (2024)

    Have them bot in boxes in my bookshelf, i loved TA, it did suffer from some serious balancing issues and bugs in MP though, probably why it never became a MP hit wich it could have been.
  6. JarlBSoD

    What past game deserves a sequel that hasnt had one yet? (2024)

    Well It kinda got one with Total Anihilation Kingdoms but most people probably forgot about that one pretty quick. Not a bad game, just not as good as TA.
  7. JarlBSoD

    What past game deserves a sequel that hasnt had one yet? (2024)

    Oh so many that i cant even remember them :D Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Blade runner. Silver. Warzone 2000. And more!
  8. JarlBSoD

    RPG General discussion thread

    BaldurSkyWind i say!
  9. JarlBSoD

    Advice Needed

    I know, OEM licenses used to be a buttload cheaper than retail though, not so much these days.
  10. JarlBSoD

    Advice Needed

    Don't know about where you live but here in Swe retailers sell OEM licenses like Candy because MS don't care one bit. :)
  11. JarlBSoD

    Headphone random conversation

    You can auppload local librarys to youtube music but i have never tried it so nothing i vouch for.
  12. JarlBSoD

    Headphone random conversation

    Make a FLAC "backup" library of all your CD's while you can :)
  13. JarlBSoD

    Headphone random conversation

    ANC is never going to be able to block out all sound, just keep that in mind. :)
  14. JarlBSoD

    Headphone random conversation

    Well, you might remember i was on a similar hunt not long ago Not sugesting you run out and buy any of the sugestions there but if you are aleast interested it's a start :)
  15. JarlBSoD

    Headphone random conversation

    If you are not going to use the MIC, i would sugest you allso take a look at normal headphones, more so if you have a DAC. :)