Recent content by ZER0

  1. ZER0

    What is the best shooting game on PC?

    Hahaha I know, I must be crazy right?? For multiplayer though I have to give it to Hell Let Loose. If you get with the right group it's a ton of fun.
  2. ZER0

    What is the best shooting game on PC?

    Doom Eternal hands down. The half life games get an honorable mention but I've never had as much fun in a shooter as I've had playing Doom Eternal. Once everything clicks it's glorious.
  3. ZER0

    How many people still love the old games?

    Ya I think you're right. After I wrote that I thought the same thing lol. To me it feels like they aren't that old, but I'm 39 and things that happened 10 years ago feel like they happened 5 years ago. Yeesh.
  4. ZER0

    How many people still love the old games?

    I don't necessarily think old games are better, just different. I have plenty of fun playing newer titles. I think, and this has been touched on some, that the biggest problems with newer games is innovation and creativity. In the AAA market you get almost none of that. The EA and Activision...
  5. ZER0

    Have you been scammed before?

    I've never been scammed but my father was back in 2013. This is not video game related but it was over Facebook. At the time he had been recovering from a really bad stroke (and the death of my mother a couple years prior) so he was not in a good place. I don't know how it started but it was a...
  6. ZER0

    Weekend Question: What's the oldest game you still play?

    I have a good amount of retro fps games that I re-play every few years or so (Half Life, Duke Nukem 3d, Unreal Tournament, Quake etc) but the oldest one I return to has to be the original Doom. It's still such a great game in its vanilla state, nevermind the infinite amount of mods and user...
  7. ZER0

    Hell Let Loose.

    I've been playing HLL for a year now and I love it. If you hop onto a good squad that communicates and works together it's an awesome experience. The community for the most part is friendly and helpful to new players too, there's only been a few times where I've ran into jerks. It is on the more...
  8. ZER0

    Giveaway Win an EPOS | SENNHEISER GSP 370 headset in our SpecialEffect Awareness Campaign

    I worked at a used game store for 8 years and I've always been amazed by the peripheral devices I've seen come in for the disabled. I think it's awesome that there are companies out there making products like these so that anyone can enjoy gaming. Not only that but I'm also impressed by the...
  9. ZER0

    Your scariest moments in a game

    I don't think I've seen anyone mention this yet but PT on PS4 scared the crap out of me the first time playing it. I had no idea what it was at the time, it was just a free demo on the playstation store. From the creepy lighting, the looping around into the same area again and again having it...
  10. ZER0

    A question about Media PC's/Living Room PC's

    Thank you both for the suggestions. I really just use it to stream movies, youtube, etc, as well as browse the internet. I know I could just buy a google chrome device or roku to stream with but my phone kinda sucks and I hate using it to browse the internet. Thanks for the parts list...
  11. ZER0

    A question about Media PC's/Living Room PC's

    I have a media pc in my living room that I've used for about 4 years. With windows pushing the update to 10 and not supporting windows 7 anymore I'm left with a pc that will become unusable if I update (I've tried it before years ago when windows forced the 10 update; it made my pc run like...
  12. ZER0

    Are game instruction booklets dying?

    Jeeze! The least they could've done is give you a disc with the download code, I mean it's not expensive to manufacture a blu-ray lol
  13. ZER0

    Are game instruction booklets dying?

    I work at an independent used video game store and indeed game instruction booklets are dying. Honestly they've been dying since the PS3/360 days. They've all but disappeared from modern games really, you're lucky if you even get a little slip of paper in a new game. I think the decline...
  14. ZER0

    Best local co-op games you have played

    I've recently been playing Human Fall Flat and it's a blast. It's a bit like Gang Beasts but you cooperatively have to solve puzzles together. I'm like you though, I'm always on the lookout for good local coop games. Here's some I've enjoyed in the past: Hammerwatch Jamestown (for vertical...
  15. ZER0

    What 'non violent' shooters are there?

    I played through Supraland a couple months ago and it was quite fun and not violent at all. You play as a miniature red gummy looking person in someone's backyard and shoot little beams and orbs at cartoony skeletons and monsters. It's very inventive but I will say the puzzles can be kind of tough.